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Newsletter - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Dcn Andrew O'Brien

Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Andrew O'Brien for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “God, through his Word, poses a simple question for us today. Where is the bread of...

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Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intention - August 2024

Each month, Pope Francis puts forward a prayer intention and asks Catholics around the world to join him in prayer. These monthly prayer intentions reflect the concerns of the Holy...

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Newsletter - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Homily at the Requiem Mass for Jim O'Sullivan

Our Lady of Victories, Bowen Hills "Cometh the hour, cometh the man": well, the hour certainly came for Queensland, and the man who came at that hour was James Patrick...

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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Bob Harwood

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Bob Harwood for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “Having received the Eucharist, how do we distribute the impact of Christ's miracle of sacrifice and...

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Newsletter - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Tom Elich

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Tom Elich for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “Our prayer time is not an escape from our mission to love and care for others....

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Newsletter - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Two-Minute Homily: Fr Fadi Salame

Two-Minute Homily by Fr Fadi Salame for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “The essence of the Christian message is clear, prayer first, asking for the guidance of the...

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